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What Social Media Doesn't Want You to Know

As many of you know, I did a post not too long ago. I didn't listen to the influencers who told me to do everything THEY do, in order to get likes and go viral. In fact, I just did my own thing. And guess what? That post went viral.

So many people want followers on social media. They want to gain likes and comments. They try to manipulate the algorithm. But I have to ask, why?

Is gaining more followers and getting more likes driving your business? Are you actually converting those followers into buyers? Do you even know how (cough cough, hint hint. We do have a social media converter tool that actually does this for you Web & Social Media Convertor )

But here is the thing. Social media doesn't want you to know you CAN do this one thing to help gain buyers. To help gain exposure. In fact, they say DON'T DO THIS one thing.

Why? Because it will HELP YOUR BUSINESS.

So what is it? Social media platforms and influencers say, don't add links to your feed. It will hurt your feed. The algorithm will cause you to not be found. It will hurt you.

And here's the thing: It will hurt you. But not the way they are telling you. It's hurting you and your business. The want you and your followers to stay on THEIR platform as long as possible.

Why is that?


So why shouldn't you do the same?

Start taking advantage of social media in ways of promoting your business. Attach links (like this one), Get people to your site. Get them to fill out a form. Get them to see what else you do. After all, you are trying to grow your business, right? You want buyers and customers.

So why not take ADVANTAGE of a platform to drive customers TO YOU?

It's only a matter of time before social media will have discrepancies in place & make it harder to even have an account. In fact, they are already doing it. I know of recruiters whose LinkedIn profiles got shut down because they viewed too many profiles. Ya, so? Recruiters SHOULD view profiles. Perhaps it is a candidate that recently applied.

And even though they appealed, LinkedIn still said, sorry. You went against our rules. So they cannot have an account.

Another happened on instagram. An Entrepreneur. An Executive Coach. A Marketing Consultant. All had their profiles disabled. Just like that. And they weren't doing anything except posting their normal stuff. Talking about their normal day to day. Nothing wrong. But apparently Instagram thought it was.

It will be a matter of time before accounts get flagged. Are disabled. And social media will only be for the elite or companies (or paying customers only).

So start using it to your advantage. Get them to you!

And so what if it "hurts your feed." People will find you. And wouldn't you rather have them come to you and know ALL that you do? Of course! That's the whole point.

So start using social media to gain customers. Get them to your site. Even if it is just to read what you have to say. In the end and in the long run, it will benefit you and your company.

And forget hastags. Who uses them? Do you? No you don't. The only ones using hastags to find companies, are the spammers. So quit with the hashtags already!

Dan Marx is the Founder & CEO of ReShift. With over 20yrs in Sales, Marketing & Supply Chain execution, Dan's company has helped start ups, entrepreneurs, all the way up to Fortune 500 companies succeed. If you are interested in Dan being a contributor, panelist, speaker or consultant, contact

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